7 Clinical Teaching Project

Clinical Teaching Project

  1. Develop a brief (15 minute) presentation for your clinical group on a topic that relates to the clinical experience. Topics ideas include a specific disease process, diagnostic test, or nursing procedure. Choose something that interests you.
  2. The topic must be approved by your clinical instructor.
  3. The topic must demonstrate evidence-based nursing practice.
  4. Include a reference list in APA format of at least two sources.
  5. The grading scale is the same as is used for clinical paperwork: Outstanding, Satisfactory, or Unsatisfactory.
  6. This assignment is a required component of your clinical course.



Component Outstanding

3 points


2 points


1 point



On time, poised, at ease, and articulate On time, slightly uncomfortable or unprepared Late, very uncomfortable or unprepared


Knowledge of topic

Thorough understanding of topic including nursing scope, actions, or rationales. Able to answer questions. Good understanding of topic including nursing scope, actions, or rationales. Able to answer most questions. Poor understanding of topic with little mention of nursing scope, actions, or rationale. Unable to answer questions.


Organization and effectiveness of presentation

Engaged with audience, strong introduction of topic and context, includes clear details and examples, summarizes, and invites questions. Some engagement with audience, some introduction of topic and context, includes some details and examples, summarizes, and invites questions. Not engaged with audience, weak or no introduction of topic and context, few details or examples, does not summarize, no time for questions,

Relevance to clinical experience

Topic relates directly to clinical site, population, and/or learning experiences. Topic has some relation to clinical site, population, and/or learning experiences. Topic has little or no relation to clinical site, population, and/or learning experiences.



Two or more references in correct APA format Two or more references with minor APA errors Less than two references

and/or major APA errors


Column Total


Score and Comments


15 = Outstanding

10-14  =  Satisfactory

5-9 = Unsatisfactory



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